6th - 12th Grade


7:00 PM

Whoever You Are, Wherever You're From,
You Are Welcome Here.

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Our Mission Declaration:

We will see up close,
what other generations only saw in the distance.
We will speak out loud,
what previous generations only dared to whisper.
We will lay ahold; with our hands,
of what other generations only touched in prayer.
We are made for signs, wonders, and miracles.
We are not made for division, death, or destruction.
We are disciples taught of the Lord &
great is our peace and undisturbed composure!

Get To Know Your Pastor

Brody Christian

NUGeneration Youth Pastor

Brody was born two weeks after the church began in 1992, as the pastor's son, he learned the ins and outs of ministry from an early age.
He attended Rhema in Broken Arrow, OK and returned to Lubbock in 2013 to become our new youth pastor.
Brody is now 30 years old, right alongside the church. He has been our youth pastor for going on 10  years now
& truly has impacted our youth group each year! We are thankful for our dedicated pastor and leader!

"Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."
1 Timothy 4:12

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